The Bolingbrook Park District Theatre Department presents A True Family Christmas, a play that follows Brenda True on her journey to discover the meaning of Christmas and family. Brenda True is a, now grown, only child of beach-loving parents who spent every Christmas on a sandy shore. She believes that a real Christmas should be filled with family – real family – as well as snow on the roof of a house, hot chocolate and roaring fires. As far as Brenda is concerned, she has never had a real Christmas, and she’s bound and determined to change that this year. Of course, she will have to stretch a bit in the family department, resorting to second, third and several times removed cousins, but family is family. Brenda believes she finally has the chance to show her doubting husband and children the joy of a true True family Christmas. But when Brenda’s plan fails, she needs a gentle reminder of the meaning of Christmas and that those who love one another, regardless of their relationships, really and truly, are a family.