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Baby Ninjas

Baby Ninjas - 211300

In an organized, yet playful structure, this parent and tot this class is the perfect way to socialize your child, allow them to learn and follow instruction and get them moving! Skills required to master the course include fundamental movement, coordination, fine and gross motor skill development, and character-building. Students will be introduced to simple vocabulary, color words, numbers, and more. This class is for stable walkers through age 3.5 Baby Ninja classes prepare your child for the next phase of Ninja Sport, so by the time they are old enough to enroll in Lil' Ninja classes, they'll be ahead of the game! Uniforms can be purchased at Be sure to select Bolingbrook Park District at checkout!
1 Sections
Column #1 Activity # Description Dates Times Days Location Ages Cost Availability Column #11
Unavailable 211300-B01 Baby Ninjas 03/16/2025 -05/18/2025* 9:30 am -10:15 am Su Annerino Community Center 1.5-3.5 $98.00/$119.00 Unavailable