Bolingbrook Park District preschool programs are 2 1/2 hours long and not full day.
Yes! Please see our Spanish Ambassador page and they would be happy to assist you.
Bolingbrook Park District does not offer bus services for preschool. Parents are asked to bring their child to and from preschool each day.
To request Community Service hours, please stop by one of our Community Centers to complete a Community Service Application. One of our staff will contact you with any opportunities following the submission of your application.
Bolingbrook Park District does not have tents, tables, or chairs to rent out to the public.
We welcome new program ideas throughout the year. If you are just submitting an idea for a class, please feel free to email through the “Contact Us” area. We will get you in contact with the manager overseeing that program area.
The easiest way to determine if you fall within Bolingbrook Park District boundaries is to review your tax bill. For further inquiries, please visit one of our facilities and speak with a customer care representative.
Please complete the Facility Rental Request Form. A room deposit, along with room charges may be applicable. Please stop by one of the Community Centers to make your reservation. If you have any questions, please contact a facility manager for more information.
Please contact the Village of Bolingbrook at (630) 226-8400.
Lifestyles Fitness
Yes, your fitness membership may be cancelled by contacting our Fitness Manager at (630) 783-6647 or via email.
We do not require a membership at Lifestyles Fitness to take advantage of Personal Training services, but we believe that you will gain even more benefit from your program by being in this environment often. Visit the LifeStyles Fitness Center Personal Training page for additional details.
No, we do not require residency for membership at Lifestyles Fitness.
We do not have a dedicated indoor track. Our members have access to the gym when it is not in use for other programs. Twelve laps around the outside of the gym at the Bolingbrook Recreation & Aquatic Complex is one mile.
Yes, our members have access to the gym when it is not in use for other programs.
You can schedule your appointment with our Fitness Manager at (630) 783-6642 when you establish your membership. Please visit the Lifestyles Fitness Personal Training page for additional details.
Guests are always welcome, but they will need to pay the daily fitness rate of $9. Various events are held throughout the year for members to bring guests free of charge. Please keep an eye on your monthly fitness updates or posting in the facilities for when those events are held.
Lifestyles Fitness memberships start at 11 years-old.
Pelican Harbor
Lifejackets are allowed at Pelican Harbor if they are US Coast Guard approved. No other flotation devices are allowed. Pelican Harbor offers lifejackets for children to use free of charge while at our facility. We will ask that you leave a driver’s license or ID while using the lifejackets. Parents must be in the water within an arm’s reach of any child in a US Coast Guard approved lifejacket.
Locks are available for purchase to use at Pelican Harbor. The locks are $6.
You may bring your cooler with you to Pelican Harbor Outdoor Aquatic Park. No glass containers, bottles or knives are allowed to ensure the safety of our patrons. Grills are not allowed to be brought into Pelican Harbor.
Yes, during the summer outdoor pool season you may check out our Harbor Treats Concession booth at Pelican Harbor. We do not have a concession booth during the indoor pool season.
Pelican Harbor does not provide towels.
All children who are not potty trained must wear tightly fitting plastic pants. Plastic pants are available for purchase in the admissions office for $3. Lined swimsuits must be worn over the plastic pants.