Other Fitness

251125 / Events

Expect to challenge your mind and body as you alternate between high and low intensity exercises through timed intervals of free weights, plyometrics, cardio training & balance work. The intervals are structured so that you are working out in what’s called an oxygen deficit, which means that you will feel occasionally breathless. This is okay! Success in this class is determined by a great attitude, not existing fitness.

Boot Camp classes are full of variety and every workout is unique. Expect the unexpected. Our instructors have access to many gym toys: benches, risers, mats, resistance bands, superbands, free weights and so on. Wear shoes with good traction and clothes you can sweat in.

251125 D02 / Boot Camp

09/04/2024 - 10/23/2024
8:30 am - 9:15 am

$ 48.00/$ 72.00

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