Central Park Spray Pad
The Central Park Spray Pad is located across the street from the Central Park Skate Plaza near the parking lot next to the buildings and grounds facility.
Open Memorial Day through Labor Day
9:00 am-7:00 pm
Please note: the spray pad may close at anytime due to weather, maintenance, etc.
Restrooms are available inside the Annerino Community Center.
Have fun and be respectful of other users.
No attendant on duty; play at your own risk.
All children under the age of 10 must be supervised by an adult.
Proper swim attire is required. Children in diapers must wear tight fitting rubber or plastic pants.
Persons with infections or communicable diseases that can be transmitted through water cannot use spray pad.
Food & drinks are only permitted in shade or turf areas.
Glass containers, soap or other material(s) that might create hazardous conditions shall not be permitted.
Animals are not permitted.
Bicycles, skateboards, roller blades, scooters, etc. are not allowed on the spray pad.
No running and rough play permitted.
No climbing, hanging, swinging or sitting on spray features.
No drugs, alcohol, or smoking of any sort permitted.
No weapons, fighting, profanity or abusive language permitted.
No sand, gum, rocks or dirt allowed in the spray pad area.
The Bolingbrook Park District are not responsible for lost or stolen items.
All other Bolingbrook Park District Ordinances must be followed.
When thunder and/or lightning is present, patrons must evacuate the spray pad immediately and seek shelter. Patrons must wait 30 minutes after the last sign of thunder or lightning before returning to the spray pad.
Vandals will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.
To report damage or vandalism, please call (630) 739-4696. For emergencies, dial 9-1-1.