
200209 / Adult Art Classes

Continue your skills from the Beginner Crochet class. Please bring all materials and gadgets you received in the beginner crochet class. *Disclosure – Instructor cannot guarantee you will walk away with a finished item; everyone learns at their own pace and that’s okay.

200209 B02 / Continuer Crochet

04/17/2025 - 05/15/2025
6:30 pm - 8:00 pm

$ 95.00/$ 141.00

200212 / Fired Ceramic Workshops

Reveal your inner artist by joining one or more of these ceramic workshops. Each workshop you will create a ceramic piece on bisque using various techniques and glaze products. Basic instructions will guide you through the project with options on each project. Using your vision and creativity you will customize your design and make it your own. Each workshop piece will be ready for firing that day. The piece will be ready for pickup in approximately a week. Fee will include bisque, color, instructions and firing. Select from the themes below.

200212 B01 / Spring Flowers

03/19/2025 - 03/19/2025
1:00 pm - 4:00 pm

$ 54.00/$ 59.00

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